Definitions of Appointment Type


A preventive care appointment is provided when a patient requires a visit for a preventive health concern, or when the patient visits a PCP for the first time. Appointments should be scheduled within 30 calendar days from the time the need for the appointment is determined.

A routine care appointment is provided when a patient requires a visit for a non-urgent wellness health concern. Appointments should be scheduled within 30 calendar days from the time the need for the appointment is determined.

Non-urgent (but in need of attention)
Non-urgent care is provided for an acute onset of symptoms that are not emergent or urgent in nature. Examples of non-urgent visits include visits for cold symptoms, sore throat or nasal congestion. Non-urgent care requires face-to-face medical attention within seven days of notification of a non-urgent condition, as clinically indicated.

Urgent care is medical attention given for a condition that, without timely treatment, could be expected to deteriorate into an emergency or cause prolonged, temporary impairment in one or more bodily functions; development of a chronic illness; or the need for a more complex treatment. Examples of urgent conditions include eye or ear infections, suspected bladder infections, cuts, sprains, flu-like symptoms, fever, and minor burns. Urgent care requires timely face-to-face medical attention within 24 hours of notification of the existence of an urgent condition. If a provider or covering provider is not available within this time frame, the patient or representative should be directed to an urgent care facility.

Emergency care is medical care given for a sudden or unexpected condition or the acute worsening of a chronic condition that is threatening to life, limb or sight and that requires immediate medical treatment to relieve suffering from painful symptoms. Examples of emergency conditions include seizure, stab or gunshot wounds, diabetic coma, cardiac arrest, meningitis, or obvious fracture (bone showing through skin). Emergency care requires immediate face-to-face medical attention. The patient or representative should call 911 or go directly to the nearest emergency care facility.

To reduce hospital readmission rates, patients should be scheduled for an appointment with their PCP within seven days post-discharge.