Provider-Initiated Activities (With Healthcare Providers or in the Healthcare Setting)

Provider-initiated activities are activities conducted by a provider at the request of the patient or as a matter of a course of treatment, and occur when meeting with the patient as part of the professional relationship between the provider and patient. Provider-initiated activities do not activities conducted at the request of the MA organization or pursuant to the network participation agreement between the MA organization and the provider. Provider-initiated activities that meet this definition fall outside of the definition of marketing as outlined in §§422.2260.

Permissible provider-initiated activities include:

  • Distributing unaltered, printed materials created by CMS, such as reports from Medicare Plan Finder, the “Medicare & You” handbook, or “Medicare Options Compare” (from including in areas where care is delivered
  • Providing the names of MA organizations with which they contract or participate or both
  • Answering questions or discussing the merits of an MA plan or plans, including cost sharing and benefit information, including in areas where care is delivered
  • Referring patients to other sources of information, such as State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) representatives, plan marketing representatives, State Medicaid Office, local Social Security Offices, CMS’ website at, or 1-800-MEDICARE
  • Referring patients to MA plan marketing materials available in common areas
  • Providing information and assistance in applying for the LIS
  • Announcing new or continuing affiliations with MA organizations, once a contractual agreement is signed; announcements may be made through any means of distribution