As required by CMS, Peoples Health annually publishes documents for our Medicare plan members.
Plan documents provide detailed benefit and cost-sharing information and are accessible on our website under the Providers tab and Plan Documents and Forms link. You can also find these documents on the Provider Portal at in the Plan Coverage Documents section.
For hard copies of current documents for any Peoples Health plan, call your Peoples Health representative. You may access a searchable comprehensive formulary at
Medicare plan documents:
Annual Notice of Changes
The Annual Notice of Changes compares benefit changes to the current plan year to those of the previous year.
Evidence of Coverage
The Evidence of Coverage provides information about Medicare plan benefits, membership, covered and noncovered services, member rights and responsibilities, and other important plan details. It is part of the member’s contract with Peoples Health.
Summary of Benefits
The Summary of Benefits provides a general overview of coverage and services, including costs for health services and prescriptions.
Comprehensive Formulary
The Comprehensive Formulary is the full list of prescription drugs Peoples Health covers.