Member Rights and Responsibilities

Providing quality care and excellent service is a cornerstone of the Peoples Health mission. We are committed to treating our plan members in a manner respectful of their rights. It is also important that members know their rights and responsibilities for health-related issues and decisions. To view our Notice of Privacy Practices, visit

Members have the right to:

  • Receive information in a way that works for them
  • Get timely access to covered services and drugs
  • Maintain the privacy of their personal health information
    • Ask us to restrict how we use or disclose information for treatment, payment or health care operations
    • Ask to receive confidential communications of information
    • Inspect and obtain a copy of information that we maintain in their designated record set
    • Ask us to make changes to information we maintain in their designated record set
    • Receive an accounting of certain disclosures of their information we made during the six years prior to the request
  • Receive information about the plan and its network of providers, network of pharmacies and covered services
  • Make decisions about their health care, including participating with practitioners in making decisions about their health care
  • Make complaints and ask us to reconsider decisions we have made
  • Make recommendations regarding our member rights and responsibilities policy

Members have the responsibility to:

  • Become familiar with covered services and the rules related to getting these covered services
  • Tell us if they have any other health insurance coverage or prescription drug coverage besides Peoples Health
  • Inform their doctors and other health care providers that they are enrolled in our plan
  • Help their doctors and other providers help them by providing information, asking questions and following through on prescribed health care
  • Be considerate
  • Pay what they owe
  • Tell us if they move
  • Call member services for help with questions or concerns